Voodoo Protection Spells & Removal Spells

Removal Type Voodoo Spell Castings

Gift Certificates by the Spellbinding Sisters

Select an amount from $50.00 to $200

Give the gift of magic for the holidays, or any occasion! Once you have placed the order, we will send you printed copy to give to that special person or – persons!

Choose a gift card amount

Remove Someones Influence On Another


Be it a family member who controls your target to friends who seem to have target wrapped around their thumb.

Where you see an injustice and another over stepping their bounds and negatively influencing another we will step in and rectify this situation with this Spell.

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two

Enemies Go Away!


For those who seek to harm your reputation, hurt you or betray you. Rid yourself of these people.

Need pictures of offending targets & full names (Limit 2 per Spell)

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two

Removal Of Doubt Spell


Doubts in your mind, doubts in someone else’s. Remove those negative thoughts.

You will need to provide full names & pictures of applicable targets (if possible)

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two

Voodoo Curse/Hex Removal


Does it seem like no matter what you do in your life it never works out in your favor, have you been ill or unnaturally sick, do you believe someone has put a Spell, Hex or Curse on you.

If any of these things sound familiar you may be a victim of Dark Magic. You will need to provide full name & picture of target.

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two

Remove My Bad Luck/Karma


Does nothing seem to go your way, bad luck knocking on your door, every dream you have end up a disappointment you may be plagued with bad luck or even bad karma from past negative choices. We will cleanse you of this negative energy surrounding your life and allow success to come your way. You will need to provide full name & picture of target.

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two

Remove Negative Feelings


Do you find yourself plagued with negative thoughts, opinions and just plain miserable way of thinking? Is their someone you know a very negative person never looking at the good but focuses only on the bad things, a woe is me attitude?

Remove these feelings of blackness that will only bring you down. You will need to provide full name & picture of target.

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two



Requires us to send you a special stone you must gift to target.

You may put on a box as a decoration, in a toy or something else but, it MUST BE GIFTED FROM YOU to target & use no one else in between. Please DO NOT HAVE YOUR CHILD DO IT.

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two

Anger Removal Spell


Are you the type of person that loses their cool, no patience to handle an overwhelming situation that you resort to blowing your lid, do you know someone that is this way. This is an Anger removing Spell although many people with anger issues it is an ongoing thing this spell can at least help to dull the fire in this raging inferno of anger. You will need to provide full name & picture of target.

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two

Voodoo Protection Spells

Potent Voodoo Protection Spell


This Protection Spell can be used for Protection from dark magic, jinx, harm to your character, reputation physical harm.

Must provide Full name & full body picture if possible.

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two

Protection Spell For My Pet


We are animal lovers too & sometimes when someone puts something on us our pets are the ones to take the initial hit. So we decided it was only fair that they too can have a protection spell. You must provide pets name and a picture. And when we say pet it is not just limited to cats & dogs. You will need to provide pets name & picture.

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two

Protect My Home or Business From Thieves


Live in a questionable neighborhood, have things you would like to be safe, feel better knowing your home is under the lock & key of something beyond this earth realm. Be invisible to thieves, keep your possessions safe.

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two

Be Invisible to the Police Spell


Doing things you’d prefer not be noticed by the Law, this will keep you, your home and car safe from the eyes of the Police. Send picture of target & full name.

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two

Uncategorized Voodoo Spells

Intrigued By Me Alluring You SEE Voodoo Spell


This WILL NOT CHANGE HOW YOU LOOK only how you are perceived. Be more attractive to customers, Potential suitors, Employers, Partners, Strangers and in any situation where you want to take a hold. Be perceived as much more interesting and alluring to gain the upper hand.

To make this cast even more powerful, combine with Spellbinding Sisters Oil of Allure located on the Essential Oils / Spiritual Oils page. https://spellbindingsisters.com/voodoo-essential-oils/

*You are NOT required to purchase the Attraction oil.*

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two

Voodoo Weight Loss Spell


Lose the weight you’ve been aching to see go, finally feel like doing something to shed it get the motivation you have never had. If you are ready to take the journey into being healthy. You will need to provide full name & body picture of target.

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two

Fertility Spell (Please READ)


Please be aware if you have a medical condition that is hindering your pregnancy a Spell to help you get pregnant may not get the results you are hoping for. This is a Spell to request to the Lwas for a child from your body (cannot specify sex) please note it is important no hindrances are present (like infertility) We do also recommend the Fertility amulet oil & candle to help you aid in this. It is not required but, is VERY helpful It is listed below. We will need a FULL BODY picture preferably with your lover.

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two

Voodoo Fertility Amulet, Oil & Candle (Directions sent to email) 3 in one



You may purchase this alone or with the Fertility Spell above that we cast for you. Includes Amulet you must wear & dress with Wishing oil & a candle. We will send directions to your email after purchase.

Voodoo Curses Revenge & Punishment / Hexes

Nasty Boy / Sassy Girl Attitude Adjuster Spell


Tone down someones bad attitude and make them stop being so in your face! Do you have a person in your life who is making things difficult for you, let’s get them to check this attitude at the door. Won’t make them perfect but, can at least make life easier for you. You will need to provide full names & pictures of applicable targets

For a "double whammy" change quantity to two

Do My Best and Pass That Test Voodoo Spell


Have exams coming & need a little boost to help you pass, need to pass that Real Estate Test, Your Bar Examination or even working on your GED.

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two

Follow My Lead Voodoo Spell


Do you wish to have more control over a situation, be the one holding the reins. Tired of other people holding the cards. Using the power of Spell work Take control now! You will need to provide full names & pictures of applicable targets (if possible)

Double Casting for 2x strength, change quantity to two

Court Case Voodoo Casting – Make Sway My Way


Going to court need a little help in swaying things in your favor. Maybe a lighter sentence or maybe completely thrown out! Send names of all involved on opposing side, pictures & full names. *If you are GUILTY you will only get what is FAIR*

For a "double whammy" change quantity to two