Voodoo Cleansing / Hex Removal

Removal of Negative Energy / Curse and Hex Removal

Negative Energy

The body consists of positive energy however stress is negative energy. That negative energy will begin to build up & without realizing it can become devastating to you physically, deal”.

Herbal Sea Salt Baths are a wonderful way to wash away any negative energy accumulated in your life as well as using a Removal of negative energy Spell or Removal of bad luck/karma. Herbs are added to assist in removal of negative energy as well as to enhance things in your life depending on purpose.

Life isn’t easy and having an herbal sea salt bath is a great starting point to not only change your mind set but, prior to Spell work & begin a more positive life as a whole. Stressors come from many things like work environment, break ups, self esteem issues, depression, loneliness, death of a loved one.We encourage you to regularly do a body cleansing during each Waning Moon phase. Here is a link to our Youtube video to assist you in your cleansing REMOVE NEGATIVE ENERGY. If you’re interested in purchasing an Herbal Sea Salt Bath please see below.

This is not just in relation to Voodoo this is for all people it has nothing to do with Religion or beliefs but, well being. Please be sure to tell us what kind of Sea salt bath you would prefer. W have certain ones made to match your Element (Earth, Air, Water, Fire) depending on Birth sign also Healing, Love, Purification, Spirit, Prosperity & Protection. Any of these can be used in a cleansing but have the specific herbs added according to your preference.

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Jinx Removing Wash


Jinx Removing Wash – is a ritual wash that may be added to a bath or may be used as a wash to cleanse ritual items, or areas, etc. It is specifically made using ingredients (including essential oils) for removing jinxes and negative energies from your area, ritual tools, or self.

Reversing Bath Wash


Reversing Bath Wash – is a ritual wash that may be added to bath water or may be used as a wash to cleanse ritual items or areas, etc. It is blended with the purpose of cleansing and sending back any negative energies that have been sent your way.

Money Drawing Bath Wash


Money Drawing Bath Wash – is a ritual wash that may be added to bath water or may be used in cleansing ritual items, areas, etc. It is blended for the purpose of cleansing and removing negative energy and attracting Money drawing energies.

Love Drawing Bath Wash


Love Drawing Bath Wash – is a ritual wash that may be added to bath water or may be used in cleansing ritual items, areas, etc. not only to cleanse of negative energy but also to attract and enhance the energy for attracting Love.

Purification/Cleansing Bath Salt


Purification/Cleansing Bath Salt-For helping to get rid of negative energy that may be affecting your life. This bath salt is made with specific salts and herbs specially blended for a thoroughly relaxing and cleansing bath.

Prosperity/Money Bath Salt


Prosperity/Money Bath Salt- A special blend of salts and herbs to bring a thorough cleansing as well as enhancing the energy for bringing prosperity to you.

Love Bath Salt


Love Bath Salt-Specifically blended salts and herbs for cleansing and promoting relaxation as well as enhancing the attraction of Love energy to you.

Black Salt


This powerful ritual component is of great use in removing jinxes and keeping away evil forces or bad neighbors. Sprinkle it in the area you desire to protect or in ritual circles to empower your magick, or blend small amounts with ink to increase the potency of your magickal seals.

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If you believe there is a Hex or Curse on you, please consider a Curse / Hex Removal located on our Protection / Removal Spells Page. You may also benefit from one of the items below.