Voodoo Dolls / Vodou Poppets

Voodoo Dolls from the Spellbinding Sisters - No shipping charge!

Voodoo dolls can be a very effective form of spellwork -

They can be made out of different materials. They can be made out of fabric and stuffed with moss and herbs. Some Voodoo Dolls are made from sticks tied together. Some people use corn dollies and some make them from wax.” <<Click for More!>>

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Classic Voodoo Dolls


The Classic Voodoo Doll is an excellent choice for binding your target. Very powerful avenue choose wisely. We also will need to know your intentions as we must chose the stones & herbs applicable to your goal. You may add personal items when you receive the poppet like nail clippings, blood and/or hair or we can add them ourselves during the Voodoo ritual. We can provide you with a hole to put the items in the Voodoo Doll, or “poppet”. We also will include instructions on disposing of the doll properly, We give the Doll life & put either a curse, hex or spell on it. Sometimes we have suggestions on the best avenue to chose.

*REMEMBER OUR VOODOO DOLLS WILL HAVE BEEN GIVEN LIFE, ANYTHING YOU DO TO THE DOLL WILL EFFECT THE TARGET* Hence why disposing of it is in the proper fashion is very important. We will send you a Power removal spell you will need to perform days after the Full Moon, it is NOT to be done on the Poppet. You will need to provide full name & picture of your target. We will fashion the doll in the the appropriate sex and ethnicity.



This is a Voodoo doll made to the likeness of the person you want out of your life and to never see again.

You receive the target but, they are in a box, life has already been given and a hex has been placed on the Voodoo doll.

You will have to bury the box or keep in your freezer, if you prefer we bury the Voodoo doll please let us know when purchasing.

You will not be able to open the box that contains your Voodoo doll, We NEED taglocks from the target in advance although we will do without them – better with taglocks, full name & picture.

Weight Loss Voodoo Dolls


This Voodoo Doll is to aid you on your journey through weight loss. No, it won’t make you instantly thin but, it will help you by giving you self control, motivation, drive & give you the confidence that you maybe lacking in yourself.

The poppet is made with herbs, stones, photos, a picture of you and blood/hair/nail clippings (which you will add those inside a small hole we will put on the doll for you.) we will give him/her life and send the doll to you with instructions, other things you can do, remember this will be a doll of yourself anything you do can & will affect it.

Since the Voodoo doll will be created to support your weight loss that will be the focus in your instructions, you also will receive instructions on how to dispose of it properly if you choose to.

Make Them Love Me Voodoo Dolls
Comes with two dolls


If you are desperately wanting a partner back in your life, have someone you have your eye on but, are not getting anywhere then, this is for you. Make them want you, only you. This set includes two Voodoo dolls one made to your likeness one made to the targets likeness, after we give them both life we cast a Spell on the dolls and bind them to each other.

They will be wrapped in red cloth when you receive them along with the remnants of the candle. We will need a photo of your face a photo of the targets face we will also need you to send taglocks for both yourself & target. We will email you a power removal spell to do the days after the Full Moon, it is imperative you do it since you are the one that is to be in control. It is not to be done on the Voodoo doll.

Money Man Voodoo Dolls


Money man doll handmade & created by the Spellbinding Sisters used to draw money to your life includes a candle. He will come with directions for use. Simple to use and specifically made FOR YOU.

Directed at your financial intent. Cute as can be with his button eyes and feather hair he will bless your life with abundance & financial comfort.